Rehabilitation Therapy
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“Having to make a decision to put a loved one in either short term or long-term care is never an easy one, and the unknown can be so very overwhelming at times, between the administrative process and the emotional strain on both your loved one and the ones that care for them, it’s massive, I mean massive!
I had to make that decision, and knew nothing on how to do it, I was a rookie… scared, nervous and wanting for things to as well as they good. Hear me when I tell you that the staff at Hudson Valley Rehab Center made this experience a true Home Run! The admissions process thanks to both Megan and Kathy was a smooth one, it was a lot of work yes- but without them I would have been lost. Their level of knowledge and compassion for me and my family was above and beyond. We were not treated like a “number” or a “new case file” we were treated like human beings who were facing a hard-turning point in their lives that needed guidance. My family thanks them from the bottom of our hearts and souls. Now, also hear me loud and clear when I say the staff members, that wash my loved ones clothes, their body, feed them, assist them with getting dressed, even when it can be unpleasant at times help them with their hygiene, keep their room and the facility clean for them, entertain them, chat with them and help my loved use a cell phone. My arms are open to you, to hug you and say thank you, what you do is far beyond noble. You are the sun in the sky and the wind in the air, you are very special to me and the people that you care for are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, they are people with a story, a life before they meet you at a time when there light might not be so bright, but b/c of each and every one of you please know that their light shines a litter brighter and no one can ever take that away from you, you have changed someone life for the better you do it every day…. So please when your not having a good day- remember you might not hear it of feel it but the families of the loved ones that are there with you, respect you, thank you, admire you and are forever grateful for what you do.”